Castletown School of Motoring News Back to School check

Back to School check

As school is back this week as parents and educators, we have the responsibility to teach our children how to be safe when walking, cycling, getting the bus or being driven to school.
Please feel free to follow those advices to keep your Children safe on Irish roads:
Travelling by Car
• All children should be restrained when travelling in a car;
• Select a restraint that is based on your child’s weight and height and is suitable for the type of car;
• Remember its safer if children travel in the rear of a car;
• Never leave children alone in a car.
Walking to School
• Small children should not cross roads alone. They cannot decide how far away a car is or how fast it is going;
• Walk the route to school with them in advance;
• Children walking on country roads should wear reflective armbands and bright clothing;
• If there is no footpath, walk on the right-hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic keeping as close as possible to the side of the road;
• Show your child how to cross the road by example. Choose safe places to cross and take time to explain why i.e. footbridges, zebra or pelican crossings, lollipop lady/man or junior school warden patrol.
Travelling by Bus
• Teach children to take special care getting on or off a bus or mini-bus;
• While waiting for a bus, children should stand well in off the road;
• Before crossing the road they should wait until the bus has moved off and they can see clearly in both directions;
• If seatbelts are fitted, they must be worn.
Cycle Safety
• Make sure they are highly visible by wearing a reflective belt and bright clothes and wear a bicycle safety helmet on all journeys;
• Check that the bicycle’s brakes, lights, reflector and bell are in good working order.
As a parents, guardians & driver we must improve the safety of children, they are our future.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Castletown School of Motoring