If you have or are about to renew your premium car insurance, then you will realize it has gone up by 20 %. Some of the reasons are due to staged accidents, false claims & some outrageous claims amounts of money for some people claims. If you are a victim of an accident scam, it will affect your no claims bonus & put a blemish on your own driving record. If you are involved in a staged accidents or a fraudulent claims there a few tips to follow:
- Keep a safety distance from the vehicle in front of you, as the most common type of staged accident is where the car brakes suddenly for no reason. Car tailing is also an offence of the road punishable of 2 points on your Licence for 2 years (which will affect your insurance premium).
- Some staged accidents occur when a driver appears to wave or flash lights to help you out at difficult junction. Always assess the situations, do not rush & go on your own terms.
- Scam artists will look for driver who are using their phone or other types of distraction. Remember handling your phone while driving is an offence punishable of 3 points for 3 years on your Licence (which will affect your insurance premium).
- After an accidents always take details of the other party & witness if available. Take pictures of the scene, car registration & insurance details.
- Always take note of the number of people involved in the accident, as phantom victim can occur.
- Never be pressured by the other party to use recovery service or offer cash to settle the incidents.
- Call the Gardai to report any accidents, including minor accidents as some party will exaggerated the claims later.
So keep driving safely to avoid any unnecessary claims & most importantly keep your no claims bonus intact. If you have a learner permit, or a Full Licence & you need to build up your driving skills & confidence on the road, you can book some driving lessons with us on 086 044 0157 or francis@castletownsom.com
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Castletown School of Motoring