When you have been successful in your driving test, then you will be allow to drive on Motorways. As you are entering Motorway, you must pay attention as traffic on the motorway is driving fast (120 K/M) & you must also deal with a large amount of traffic. We will give you a few tips to help you with your journey:
- Use acceleration as you need to build up speed in the merging lane.
- Before entering on Motorway, check your MSM routine (mirror, signal, mirror ). Have a glance over your right shoulder to cover your blind spot (twice).
- Give way to traffic already on Motorway
- Do not drive on hatch marking
- Then enter if it safe to do so.
- Adjust speed as required as you are joining.
- Stay in the left lane unless you are overtaking.
- Move back in the left lane when you have overtaken safely
- Treat each lane change as a separate manoeuvre.
- You must only drive ahead. No turning around or reversing is allowed.
- You must give an appropriate progress to avoid interference with other Motorway traffic.
- You must only drive on part of the Motorway: It is not a carriageway (stay off the hard shoulder except in a case of emergency).
- You must not stop or park on any part, unless your vehicle breaks down or you are signalled by a Garda to do so.
- You must not pick up or set down anybody on a motorway.
If you are struggling with Motorway driving, maybe you need to practice with an ADI to build up your confidence as Motorway driving can be challenging.
If you need Motorway lessons contact us on 086 044 0157 or email us on francis@castletownsom.com
Thanks for reading our blog.
Castletown School of Motoring
ADI number 35 371