If you need to apply for your Theory Test or for your Driving Test: Be aware that some private websites are on the internet offering to book any test that you require. However it will cost you an extra charge.
To avoid being overcharged when booking Theory Test & Driving Test, make sure that you have the correct website address www.theorytest.ie . It costs €45 & if you need to apply for your Driving Test then apply online at www.rsa.ie cost €85.
Be aware that the gathering of personal data by an unofficial website can lead dangers such as passing on personal details like your PPS number & bank details.
So before you book make sure that you are on the correct website as it can be misleading & very easy to get caught out.
At Castletown School of Motoring, we provide EDTs lessons, regular driving lessons, pre-tests (car also available to hire for Driving Test), and motorway lessons for improvers.
You can book your next lesson with Castletown School of Motoring on francis@castletownsom.com or mobile: 086 044 0157
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Castletown School of Motoring
ADI: 35 371